The Delaware INBRE Travel Award is supported by the University of Delaware INBRE Office in order to enable undergraduate and graduate students affiliated with DE-INBRE to attend a conference/symposium. Continual professional development is essential for students. It also affords opportunities for presentations within in a professional setting, as well as opportunities for networking and exposure to the latest academic research.
The Delaware INBRE Instrumentation Core Development Award is supported by the University of Delaware INBRE Office in order to enable staff from the affiliated INBRE cores to 1) attend a workshop, offsite training, or conference or 2) to test a new technology or workflow. This award is aimed at core facility directors and research scientists that would like to develop new skills or services.Continual training and professional development is essential for core facility scientist. It also affords opportunities for presentations within in a professional setting, as well as opportunities for networking and exposure to the latest academic research. To test a new technology or workflow, it can be used to purchase reagents and supplies required to test new equipment or develop new service workflows.
The DE-INBRE Core Facility Voucher Program, supported by NIGMS P20GM103446, is available to provide access to Instrumentation and Research Services Cores (see list here: In the past, vouchers have been used to test proof of concept or provide additional data for publication or grants.
Delaware INBRE is soliciting applications for funding to support professional development workshops and seminars. To be eligible, the workshop/seminar must be for graduate students or postdoctoral/clinical fellows working on problems relevant to biomedical research, the life sciences, or human health disciplines. Faculty members, students or other groups, departments, or organizations can apply for this funding. You do not need to be officially affiliated with INBRE to apply.
Delaware INBRE is pleased to announce a call for Pilot Project proposals to provide seed funding for new research directions with the broader goal of building Delaware's capacity to conduct biomedical research. LOIs are due September 23, 2024 and Pilot Project proposals are due October 21, 2024. Successful proposals will be awarded for 1 year, with a budget of $40,000 in direct costs with an estimated start date of May 01, 2025 (pending NIH grant renewal). For further questions, email the DE-INBRE office at or the DRPP Director, Anjana Bhat at
Delaware INBRE is pleased to announce a call for Research Project proposals. Research Project awards are mentored, two-year grants that provide seed funding to develop research programs of early stage and new investigators. LOIs are due September 23, 2024 and Research Project proposals are due October 21, 2024. Successful proposals will be awarded for 2 years, with a budget of $80,000 in direct costs per year (Total 160K) with an estimated start date of May 1, 2025 (pending NIH grant renewal). For further questions, email the DE-INBRE office at or the DRPP Director, Anjana Bhat at